In today’s fast-moving social media dominated marketing landscape, it can be easy to ignore some of the methods to engage with your customers that have worked for decades.
Company newsletters are one of the best ways to keep in touch with your customers, affiliates, and prospective customers.
Newsletters go beyond bite-sized marketing messages, providing your audience with further insights on what your brand is all about, as well as a better understanding of your products and services.
Newsletters are also useful in email marketing campaigns. If you have a new product or service to promote, this can be a great, inexpensive way to advertise.
Beyond advertising, newsletters can help you establish credibility and expertise with your audience.
A good newsletter should include updates on your company, industry news and trends, announcements for any upcoming events or product launches, and case studies of other clients.
Other tips for success in your newsletters
*Send weekly, monthly, or quarterly – consistency is the key!
*Use strong visuals to convey your message.
*Provide links to resources, including videos.
*Keep it topical – find out what is trending that your audience might already be looking for and tie that back to your company.
*Use catchy headlines to pique their interest.
*Spend the extra time and money to develop an attractive design – boring isn’t going to attract anyone!
Need help getting started?
At Gnosis, we specialize in helping your medical or life science company build an enduring brand. We can design a company newsletter for you that will make you stand apart from the crowd.
Contact us today to receive a customized proposal, 858-925-3119, or email